Manuscript requirements

The editorial staff of the scientific specialized publication «Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpathians» of the public higher education institution «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University» invites scientists to publishing their research in professional journal on Pedagogical Sciences (included in the List of specialized publications of Ukraine. Order No 54 by Ministry of Education and Science from 01.25.2013).

Articles submitted for the collection should have the necessary elements corresponding to the decree No 7-05/1 «On severisation of requirements for professional publications, listed by HAC of Ukraine» by Presidium of HAC of Ukraine from 15.01.2003:

- formulation of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks;

- analysis of the recent research and publications in which a solution of the problem is started and on which the author relies;

- emphasizing of the still unsolved aspects of the problem, to which the article is devoted;

- formation of the article’s purpose (setting tasks);- presentation of the main material of the research with full objectives of scientific results, the findings of this study and further research in this direction;

- REFERENCES (drawn up in accordance with the requirements of HAC).
References to sources used are put in square brackets, where the number of source and citation page in this edition are separated by a comma. For example, [23, p.234-235]

Requirements for papers:

- the text should be typed in text editor Microsoft Word, saved in the format doc or rtf;

- the text should be presented in a single copy on a sheet of A4, font size 14, 1.5 spacing, deviation of 1.25 cm;

- field: left – 30 mm; right – 15 mm; top and bottom – 25 mm;

- drawings in vector graphics should be contained as one object or grouped; scanned drawings, illustrations and photos should be submitted with a resolution of 300 dpi in separate files;

- materials are submitted on paper and digital media.


Placement on the page. In the upper right corner should be written full name, position, academic degree, academic title, name of the higher educational institution. In an interval UDC and PACS numbers are given, then, in the middle of the next line the article title (Ukrainian and English – all in capital letters) in bold is presented. First name, last name, academic degree, academic title, position, name of the higher educational institution. In an interval UDC and PACS numbers are given; on the page width the article title in Ukrainian and English is placed. Abstracts are presented in an interval. In accordance with the international scientometric database abstracts should display the following elements: object of the article, methods or research methodology, findings (100-150 words in Ukrainian, and 250-300 words in English in 1,5 interval and size 14).

Editorial Board does not consider the articles submitted with violations of the abovementioned requirements.

Information about the author, review of the article (if necessary) and the author’s official photograph are submitted in separate files:
Information about the author – file Petrov_dovidka – includes last name, first name and patronymic of the author and all data on him/her (postal code, city, place of employment, position, academic title, academic degree, contact numbers, e-mail address.
The author’s official photograph – petrov_foto. It is submitted in a separate graphic file with minimum resolution not less than 600x800 pixels.
Review of the article. Petrov_review.
The researchers without a scientific degree must submit a review of a supervisor / specialist in the relevant field of research (scanned version of the certified document).

Articles should be sent by e-mail to the editor-in-chief of the scientific professional publication on pedagogical sciences "Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians":
