

[1]      Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Community on nuclear energy and their member states, on the other hand as of 27.06.2014. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[2]      Constitution of Ukraine as of 28.06.1996, No. 254к/96-ВР. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[3]      Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. UN, International Document as of 25.02.1991. Available at: Ukrainian)

[4]      Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). UN, International Document as of 25.06.1998. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[5]      DBN (State Construction Standard) 360-92** Urban Development. Planning and Development of Urban and Rural Settlements: Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Urban Development and Architecture as of 17.04.1992. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[6]      Kondratenko Y.V. Legal basis of planning of land development within cities (according to the legislation of Ukraine). Naukovy Visnyk Chernivetskoho Universitetu: Zbirnyk Naukovyh Prats. Jurisprudance, 660 (2013), 97-100. (in Ukrainian)

[7]      Land Code of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine as of 25.10.2001, No. 2768-III. Available at: http://zakon5.rada. (in Ukrainian)

[8]      On Regulation of Urban Development: Law of Ukraine as of 17.02.2011, No. 3038-VI. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[9]      On Environmental Impact Assessment: Law of Ukraine as of 23.05.2017, No. 2059-VIII. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[10]   On ecological expertise: Law of Ukraine as of 09.02.1995 No. 45/95-ВР; loss of validity as of 18.12.2017. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[11]   On Approval of the Procedure of Conducting Public Hearings in the Process of Environmental Impact Assessment: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 13.12.2017, No. 989. Available at: (in Ukrainian)

[12]   Starodubov I.V. Ecological and public expertise as important legal instruments of ensuring public control in Ukraine. Visnyk LDUVS imeni E. O. Didorenka, 1 (2013), 291-298. (in Ukrainian)

[13]   What has changed since the abolition of environmental expertise? Round table materials as of 13.03.2018. Available at: (in Ukrainian)