Minority Shareholders Rights Protection In Limited Liability Company (Slovakia)


  • Peter Meszaros


limited liability company, minority partner/shareholder, Commercial Code, protection


The limited liability company is the most popular form of a business company in Slovakia. Its legal regime is governed mainly by provisions of sections 105 through 153 of the Act no. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code as amended (hereinafter as “Commercial Code”). Its registered capital consists of predetermined contributions pledged by its members.
The legitimacy of thinking about the minority shareholder at all is given in case when the company has at least two shareholders / partners and their investment contributions / shares are not the same.
The author deals with chosen issues (especially given rights) to shareholder who is considered to be a minor one. The aim of the article is not to point out and enumerate all related rights, but to select only some of them and give a short general conclusion on their purpose and practical application.


1. Príspevok bol vypracovaný v rámci grantového projektu APVV č. 14-0061 „Rozširovanie sociálnej funkcie slovenského súkromného práva pri uplatňovaní zásad európskeho práva“.
2. This interpretation is also supported by legal theory e. g. in Komentár k Obchodnému zákonníku. K § 129. In ASPI [právny informačný systém]. Praha: Wolters Kluwer [online 29.10.2015].
3. According to the Slovak law (interpretation given by judicial practice e. g. the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic 5Obo/109/2007: “According to the stable judicial practice, the decision of the general meeting is not a legal act ...“), the decision of the general meeting is not considered to be a legal act.
4. The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic 29Cdo/2084/2000.
5. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic 6Obo/128/1996.
6. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic 3Obo/355/1995.
7. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic 4Obo/110/2000.\
8. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic 2Obo/249/2001, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic 29Odo/194/2004.
9. See also Jambrichová, K. Ochrana menšinových spoločníkov v spoločnosti s ručením obmedzeným. Cofola 2010. 1. edition. Brno: Masaryk University, 2010. s. 8.
10. Stated in the lecture of Nevolná, Z. (Department of Civil and Commercial Law, Trnava university in Trnava), international scientific conference: Bratislavské právnické fórum 2015. 09.10.2015. The topic of the lecture: Niekoľko úvah o ochrane práv menšinového spoločníka s ručením obmedzeným. [the paper has not been published by finishing this article].





