Application Of Practice Of European Court On Human Rights As Source Of Right For The Estimation Of Admission Of Proofs In Criminal Realizations In Ukraine


  • Larysa Brych


ECHR, practice of court


Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter - ECHR) makes it possible to identify such patterns that characterize the legal opinions of authoritative international body jurisdiction to assess the admissibility of evidence: 1) a general rule, the proceedings on allegations of violation of Art. 6 European Convention on Human Rights 1950 (hereinafter - the Convention) ECHR does not verifying the admissibility of evidence evaluation of national courts; 2) declares that sees no fundamental task of determining whether certain evidence may be admissible; 3) with its general approach he did ECHR exceptions and found violations of the right to a fair trial guaranteed by Art. 6 of the Convention, in cases where a person charge based on evidence obtained through violation of the right to silence and the right not to incriminate himself, by: coercion, the use of torture, cruelty and humiliation of the person violating the right to a defense; provocation and incitement; 4) ECHR itself in its proceedings, in particular, allegations of violations of Articles 2, 3, 5, 8 of the Convention, assess the admissibility and reliability of the evidence makes.
Regarding the first of these laws, then his refusal to verify the correctness of the assessment of the admissibility of evidence by the domestic courts in the proceedings on allegations of violation of Art. 6 ECHR Convention motivates that century. 6 of the Convention does not establish any rules on the admissibility of evidence as such, which is primarily a matter for regulation by national law and, accordingly, the assessment of the evidence with the national law is a prerogative of national courts.


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