Information Security: The Problem Of Inviolability Personal Rights


  • Amir Aliiev
  • A. Ibrahimova
  • H. Rzaieva


information security, personal rights, individual rights, classification of personal rights, narrow concept of personal life, broader concept of private life, the problem of information technology in relation to personal rights, information technology problem of personal rights


For people, the security of individuals is either a comfortable life of the society, an ability to defend against internal and external threats. Everyone needs a law that will ensure the inner security of the society, and the society that will follow them. However, although security is the duty of the states, each member of society should, in turn, be required to do so and to fulfill their commitments. Today, governments are implementing management with the help of information technology, which accelerates transition from traditional to e-government and forms e-government. This change in management, along with increasing the importance of information and information technology, has also raised an important issue, such as information security. Information security is a protection mechanism against unauthorized access to information, the disclosure, destruction, alteration, or damage of personal, professional, commercial, and state secrets. Infringement of information security will cause distortion, eradication of information, its integrity, integrity and privacy, and thus weakening of management. Information should be protected in its entirety regardless of its form, integrity and confidentiality. Information security is an important criterion for the protection of both private and public security, and the protection of any threats they may face. The most sensitive point in ensuring information security is human. Thus, the human factor plays a crucial role in providing information security. People should be informed about this subject in order to ensure the state, the organization operates personal information security. In this regard, the article examines the problem of information security, the inviolability of personal rights, personal data, and their inviolability.


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