A New Type Of Crime In The Field Of Morality, Related To The Use Of Information And Telecommunication Systems As Objects Of Critical Information Infrastructure


  • Vladyslava Batyrharieieva


crime in the field of morality, information and telecommunication systems, critical infrastructure


The author notes that the moral state of society and, as it turned out, not only Ukrainian, today suffers from unlawful acts committed with the use of cyberspace as an imaginary environment in which digital information circulates through computer networks [4, p. 121]. Today in Ukraine there are all the key «classical» cybercrime (fraud, extortion, unauthorized access to personal information of users and automated databases, the spread of pornography, the sale of weapons or drugs, etc.), and each year they are only increasing. the principles of the morality of society as a basic social phenomenon must be recognized as an independent object of the critical infrastructure of society, in such cases, and in cases of committing other unlawful acts, criminal correspondence for which is provided for in section XII of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. And today we are witnessing the emergence and development of a new type of crime in the field of morality associated with the use of the capabilities of information and telecommunication systems.


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