Theoretical foundations of informational technologies support in inclusive education of pupils with special educational needs


  • Svitlana Chupakhina



information and communication technologies, virtual educational platforms, inclusive learning, information and communication support of inclusive education, pupils with special educational needs, cloud technologies


The article deals with foreign experience of using information technologies in teaching pupils with special educational needs. It is proved that the crucial task of modern school is to take full advantage of information technologies as well as their potential in teaching children with special educational needs. The study and reasonable application of foreign experience which is consistent with the global tendencies of updated approaches to education in Ukraine, is becoming urgent.
It has been proven that in inclusive education the technologies are able to help children with special educational needs meet the right to education, discover their potential and realize themselves as a person in social life. The application of information and communication technologies in the education of mentioned pupils promotes the development and correction of psychophysical processes: thinking, memory, motor skills, orientation in space, etc.
The main advantages and directions of information and communication support in inclusive education of pupils with special educational needs are described.
It has been proven that educational software, virtual educational platforms used in teaching process must be designed and developed with regard to inclusive education strategies, for being accessed and used by any pupil, regardless of individual characteristics and disorders. Therefore it is important for educational establishments to ensure the universal design of the technologies they use and their compliance with the requirements of the UN Convention.
It is substantiated that in order to ensure effective educational impact on children with special educational needs, it is important to develop personally oriented curricula and design individual educational plans. Thanks to the application of cloud technologies (for example, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Malaysia, USA), we can state that children with special educational needs have access to a variety of didactic materials in an acceptable, accessible and interesting way.
It is summarized that the development and implementation of cloud technologies in the process of teaching children with special educational needs makes it possible to overcome a number of didactic problems, access to a variety of materials in an acceptable way which is reflected in foreign practice.



