Рastoral pedagogics: the need of society


  • Nataliia Mukan
  • Oksana Blavt




pastoral pedagogy, theology, spiritual upbringing, ontologization, deontologization, ethization, culturalization, socialization, humanization of a human being


The article deals with the expediency of pastoral pedagogy, based on pedagogical ideas and Christian anthropology, produced by religious and secular pedagogy. Nowadays the problems of theory and practice of pedagogical pastorology which organically integrates into modern pedagogy the possibilities of Christian education are topical.
The purpose of the study is to identify the principles of pastoral pedagogy, to discover its main components, which are approved by society. The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, and generalization.
According to the results of the research, the fundamentals on which pastoral pedagogy is based as well as Orthodox anthropology are analysed and summarized. It is defined that pastoral pedagogy is the spiritual discipline which studies the processes of civil society, natural social relationships as well as humanization of a human being, and its main task is to help the human being. The authors clarify that the Orthodox pastor should be acquainted with the main principles of pedagogy and use them in his activity with the Orthodox community, which has various aspects: leadership, teaching, as well as sanctification. The definition of the notion “pastoral pedagogy” is proposed. Its components are distinguished and substantiated: ontologizing, deontologization, ethization, culturalization, socialization, as well as humanization of human beings. It is determined that the the conviction of a person, conversion to primary philosophical and theological teachings is a complex issue of pastoral pedagogy. The expediency of introducing pastoral pedagogy in preschool, school and higher education institutions as innovative program technology has been revealed.
The results of the study can be used to find original pedagogical systems based on philosophical teachings and practical needs of the modern world.



