The factors of the impact on speech disorders in primary school children


  • Nataliia Matveieva



communication, speech, language, socialization, development, speech in violations, correction, success


The article analyzes the main factors influencing the occurrence of speech disorders in children. The author examines various aspects of the problem of speech disorders, namely: biological, socio-psychological, pedagogical. Particular attention should be paid to the assessment of individual factors that provoke the appearance of different types of speech impairment at an early age. In the article the necessity of family education on the established traditions of the Ukrainian people, preservation of customs and moral and ethical values, which in general allow the development of personality broadcasting at an appropriate level, is actualized.
N. Matveeva emphasizes that the language provides the needs of the individual in communication, familiarization with the world, norms of interaction between people, the realization of their own ideas and needs. The article outlines the basic requirements of the State Standard for the Education of People with Speech Disorders, and sets out clear objectives for improving the efficiency and quality of student learning. Among them, the author identifies: the amount of educational material that should be available to children with this type of abuse; determining students' levels of learning in accordance with the complexity of speech disorders; establishment of requirements, criteria and forms of assessment of students' knowledge; selection of necessary and effective corrective and developmental means, intended to prevent failure and backwardness of students with speech disorders, etc.
The author emphasizes that disorders of the speech development of the child have a negative impact on their general, psycho-emotional state. In the presence of this type of abuse, such children are not able to properly absorb the educational material, communicate and build a friendly relationship, which generally provokes difficulties both in education and in the process of socialization of the individual. Therefore, the author presents an outline of the basic actions that a child must perform in order to form spelling skills and develop speech according to age standards.



