Psychological and pedagogical aspects of future foreign language teachers’ professional training for primary school


  • Olga Bezkorovaina
  • Galina Pavlyuk



professional preparation, teacher, foreign language, initial school


The Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Future Foreign Language Teachers Professional Development for Primary school are analysed in the article. Contradictions are specified in modern higher pedagogical-professional education. The features of preparation of students are analysed to teaching of foreign language in initial classes. The comparative analysis of experience of home and foreign scientists is reflected. The ways of decision of this problem are offered. Their maintenance is exposed for the improvement of educational-educator work of future teachers of English. Theprimary purposes of professional preparation are certainteachers of foreign language of initial classes. The issues of the day of preparation of teachers of foreign languages of initial school are outlined. Recommendation of Committee of Ministers of CE in relation to a study and teaching of modern languages in Europe and task in a study and teaching of the modern European languages it is analysed. Necessary recommendations that touch forming of professional competence in preparation of future teacher of foreign language of initial school are described . The base to the competence of graduating student of pedagogical higher educational establishment are distinguished, what modernisations of higher pedagogical education predefined by a necessit. The internalss of teacher, that would provide realization of aims of studies and his efficiency, are gone into detail. The eventual whole studies of foreign language are described as future professionally-pedagogical activity in linguistic universities, institutes and on the faculties of foreign language, that is dictated by the different aspects of language acquisition. Indicated that professional preparation of teacher of foreign language must be based on possessing a foreign language as by the means of verbal and writing communication in all spheres of commonunication, and also as by the means of pedagogical activity under various conditions taking into account the aims of studies, age-old features of schoolchildren and them language preparation. It is well-proven, having regard to the requirements of position papers, and also looks of foreign and home teachers on the problem of feature and essence of preparation of future teacher of foreign languages at initial school, that studies and professional perfection must provide a basis of professional development of teacher.

