The forming of future preschool educational institutions teachers’ readiness to the preschools’ role activities modeling: the conceptual approaches


  • Nataliia Bakhmat



model of theoretical and practical readiness, , system of the competencies acquired, pedagogical practice


The educational system reform requires the improvement of the pre-school teachers training system, building the educational process on the internal potential of their personality in order to manifest it in the life and professional spheres of activity. Therefore, one of the pressing problems was the future specialist readiness formation in the field of preschool education to model the role of preschool children and defined socio-pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of the studied neoplasms. This is the new requirements content orientation of obtaining education in the higher education institution on the professional activity of a modern educator, the construc­tion of its model of professional activity, taking into account the totality of theoretical knowledge and relevant competencies at the level of purposefulness, allowing the teacher to conduct an innovative search in the institution, the implementation of continuity of higher education appli­cants relationships with their future professional activities in the higher education institutions.

The content and technology components are defined in the structure of the conceptual model of the future educators training for the role activity of preschool children. The content component contains the readiness of the future teacher in the field of preschool education to model the role of children at the level of purposefulness. It is focused on the perfect possession of a set of didactic-methodical and special knowledge on this type of activity modeling. The technological component of the conceptual model involves the gradual organization of the process of studying applicants for higher education, taking into account the peculiarities of each stage of the two-level education, ensures the continuity of the formulation and solution of didactic and methodological tasks based on the choice of content, forms, methods of teaching.

The results of the research conducted allow to introduce the outlined system of work in the process of training of future teachers of preschool education by means of the role-play preschool children activities modeling as a component of the professional readiness of an educator.

