Culture of axiology of future preschool teacher of preschool educational establishments as a social phenomeno


  • Nadiіa Kravets



culture of axiology of future preschool teacher of preschool educational establishments as a social phenomenon


The article deals with the culture of axiology of future preschool teacher as a social phenomenon. It is set that the necessity of forming of professional culture of students of higher educational establishments is predefined by growing requirements to the level of the cultural, special and pedagogical training of graduating students, by requirements in a permanent professional self-education, by future specialists preparation to the professional and competent coming into the labour-market, that needs readiness and ability of future teachers to put into practice humanistic ideas, developing the system of modern and socially meaningful values in the structure of a personality, ability to create and pass values. Accordingly one of the major and urgent tasks of higher educational establishments is exposure and estimation of the valued priorities of modern teachers, development of his/ her axiosphere, development of invariant base of valued features of future teacher personality, researching the specific valued orientations in the process of his/her professional training. It is found out, that the values of professional activity (common to all mankind, national, domestic, civil, ecological, cognitive, activity and communication) closely connected with cultural values, its harmonious combination creates the base for culture of axiology of future specialists. Accordingly a concept "culture of axiology" is based on understanding of culture as a system of values, that, in turn, is integral basis for forming of world view, morally-spiritual, ethic, aesthetic, legal and other cultures of a personality, as values are the universal category that is organically included in all spheres of human activity. It is concluded that the culture of axiology of a future preschool teacher represents the level of his/her pedagogical mastery, professional competence, pedagogical culture, capacity for self-education and self-perfection.



