Pedagogical conditions of education the national self-affirmation of pupil youth in the extra-curricular activities of the ISE institution


  • Ruslana Soichuk



national self-affirmation, school youth, extra-curricular activities, pedagogical conditions, democratically-friendly educational environment, institution of general secondary education


The problem of raising national self-affirmation in the growing-up generation is actualized in the article and is defined as the active involvement of the individual in the ideas and higher goals of society and the state, which are consistent with national values and are an important foundation for the consolidation of the nation and the formation of a sense of patriotism as a personalityinvaluable. The pedagogical conditions of education of national self-affirmation of student youth in extra-curricular activity of the institution of GSE are described: preparation of teachers for the education of national self-affirmation in person; implementation of an interactive program for the upbringing of student youth "Through national self-affirmation to prosperity"; creation of a democratically-favorable educational environment in the institution of the GSE as the basis for the education of national self-affirmation in student youth; systematic monitoring of the levels of education of national self-affirmation in student youth. It has been found out that a democratic educational environment conducive to the education of national self-affirmation in student youth (a democratically-favorable educational environment) is a pedagogically focused, organized set of objective and subjective factors that surrounds students and focuses on the solidarity of educators and pupils for creation of life conditions, spiritual and moral self-improvement of the person and its self-realization and formation of national-personal values. These factors include: objective (social and historical features, cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people and the system of education) and subjective (individual peculiarities of pupils, level of readiness of teachers for the education of national self-affirmation in students, national and personal values of participants in the educational process, psychological climate in the team, the style of pedagogical management, the corresponding subject-spatial and content-methodological provision of the educational process, material and technical conditions in the GSE institution).It is proved that the optimal combination of traditional and interactive methods and forms of educational work with students provides a holistic system approach to the organization of the process of national self-affirmation education in student youth in extracurricular activities.

