he development of artistic and creative potential of teenagers by means of art


  • Tetiana Tanko




creative potential, material and spiritual values, pedagogical conditions, criteria, art, artistic activity


Artistic and creative potential of senior pupils is a multilevel functional system, which manifests itself in the creative activity of the individual, in artistic activity, which is conditioned by the level of development of natural instincts and creative abilities of senior students, features of sensory perception, intellectual activity, interests and internal needs and a creative initiative in their cooperation.
This article defines the qualities of the creative potential of the individual, revealed their essence, philosophical aspect of the interpretation of "creative potential"; the criteria of development of creative potential of the personality of the senior pupils are revealed; the possibilities of art in this process are discovered, the possibilities of various forms of organization of artistic events are determined, pedagogical conditions, fulfilling of which develops the creative potential of the personality of the senior students are defined, methods of pedagogical influence on the development of the creative potential of the senior pupils in educational work are described.
It was determined that the source of the student's creative activity is the information-energy exchange, carried out at the expense of bioenergetic, psychoenergetic, intellectual-energetic and motivational-activity potentials of different levels, due to that there is the transition from non-being to being, the growth of meaningfulness in being and in the very subject of creativity is carried out. The meaningful certainty of the artistic and creative potential of the senior student is manifested in artistic and creative activity by increasing the material and spiritual values of self-development and self-realization of his personality

