Problems of reforming of education of children with special features of psychophysical development in Ukraine


  • Nadiya Ashytok



inclusion, inclusive education, children with peculiarities of psychophysical development, integration, education reform, nosology


Humanization of society is the basis for the search for new approaches to the organization of education of children with special educational needs, including those with disabilities. Article reveals ways of modernization of an education system of children with the limited health capabilities, carried out in Ukraine. For the purpose of modernization, integrated and inclusive educational models are used. Inclusion – two-way process, it provides mutual enrichment of social experience of disabled children and children with health and development within the age norms, expanding opportunities for learning children humanistic values formation and social skills. The pros and cons of inclusive education and its ability to humanize society are described. The author conducts a comparative analysis of inclusive education in Ukraine and Norway. It is noted that an important condition for systemic modernization of education of children with special needs is a comprehensive solution of problems related to the regulatory, organizational, financial, human, scientific and teaching of their training and education. The development strategy of the national education system should be formed adequately to the current modernization and globalization, the requirements of the transition to a post-industrial civilization that will ensure sustainable development and the movement of Ukraine in the XXI century, National education system integration into the European and world educational space. To facilitate the implementation of this strategy is properly organized and implemented the practice of inclusive education, which Ukraine must coexist with general and special. Concluded significant difficulties and positive trends are emerging in the work with children with special adaptive capabilities. The opportunities and prospects for further development of education of children with disabilities in Ukraine are justified.

