Artistic-aesthetic development of children: directions of improving the training of future teachers to interaction with the families of pupils


  • Galyna Boryn



artistic-aesthetic development, educational and consultative work, training, child, teacher


The actual views on the training of future teachers of preschool educational institutions are analyzed in the article. The main directions of improvement of future teachers’ training in the context of pupils’ artistic-aesthetic development are singled out. The peculiarities of artistic-aesthetic development of preschool age children are characterized, and the content and directions of interaction between teachers and parents in the mentioned aspect are outlined.

The main attention is paid to the fact that, when studying at a higher educational institution, future educators should realize that for the development of individual artistic abilities of children it is necessary to create conditions under which the actions of educators of preschool educational institutions and parents are coordinated. In the family and preschool educational institution it is necessary to implement an individual approach to the child, it is important to focus the attention of families on enriching the aesthetic impressions of pupils, creating an environment that stimulates children to creative activity. An important tool in cooperation between teachers and parents is the organization of such a joint activity in which parents are active participants in the educational process. Teachers have the opportunity to involve parents in working together on different areas of the educational process: they can take part in the design of the pre-school educational institution, group premises, playgrounds. Members of the family should be involved to active participation in the preparation and holding of thematic holidays and entertainment.

