Forming of democratic culture of future masters of preschool education: a personally oriented approach


  • Marianna Matishak
  • Iryna Skomorovska
  • Iryna Didukh



democratic culture, personality-oriented approach, future masters, preschool education


The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological aspects of forming the democratic culture of future masters of pre-school education in the educational process of higher education establishments. Based on the analysis of recent research and scientific publications, substantiation of the essence of key concepts has been made the purpose, tasks, specificity of democratization of higher pedagogical education have been characterized. It is proved that the content and organization of professional pedagogical training in the conditions of the magistracy should provide for the formation of the readiness of future specialists to pursue professional activity on the basis of democratic values and humanistic dimensions. This approach is in line with trends in reforming the higher education system in line with European standards.
The authors propose pedagogical conditions aimed at the effective mastering of the future masters in the culture of democracy while studying at higher education establishment. In the article the main provisions of realization of personally oriented approach during formation of democratic culture of students in the conditions of magistracy are distinguished, namely: value-meaningful content of educational disciplines; formation of professionally important qualities of a democratic personality; the use of active forms and methods in the educational process of university; promoting partnerships between all participants in the educational process. It has been determined that democratization cannot be an end in itself of the educational process, since the leading goal should be to create the most favorable conditions for self-realization of the individual and to reveal the creative pedagogical potential of future masters in the field of preschool education.



