Simple joint–stock company - selected regulations concerning the protection of the interest of the company and its shareholders


  • Pawel Relidzynski


Code of Commercial Companies and Partnerships, simple joint-stock company, companies, shareholder


The article describes the arguments justifying the introduction of a new type of a capital company - a simple joint-stock company and the manner of its regulation. The most important features of the company in question have been presented only to a limited extent. Furthermore, the article describes in a casuistic manner two instruments serving to protect the interests of a simple joint-stock company and its shareholders, i. e. the mechanism of exclusion and withdrawal of a shareholder. The first one is regulated by a reference to the provisions on limited liability companies. The second, however, is a legislative novelty which should be considered necessary to protect the financial resources invested by a minority shareholder. The article also presents a detailed procedure for the exclusion and withdrawal of a shareholder on a comparative basis. The objective of these instruments and the rationale for their introduction were further assessed.


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