Boundedness of the Hilbert transform on Besov spaces


  • A. Maatoug Laghouat University, 03000, Laghouat, Algeria
  • S.E. Allaoui Laghouat University, 03000, Laghouat, Algeria


Hilbert transform, Littlewood-Paley decomposition, Besov spaces
Published online: 2020-12-29


The Hilbert transform along curves is of a great importance in harmonic analysis. It is known that its boundedness on Lp(Rn) has been extensively studied by various authors in different contexts and the authors gave positive results for some or all p,1<p<. Littlewood-Paley theory provides alternate methods for studying singular integrals. The Hilbert transform along curves, the classical example of a singular integral operator, led to the extensive modern theory of Calderón-Zygmund operators, mostly studied on the Lebesgue Lp spaces. In this paper, we will use the Littlewood-Paley theory to prove that the boundedness of the Hilbert transform along curve Γ on Besov spaces Bsp,q(Rn) can be obtained by its Lp-boundedness, where sR,p,q]1,+[, and Γ(t) is an appropriate curve in Rn, also, it is known that the Besov spaces Bsp,q(Rn) are embedded into Lp(Rn) spaces for s>0 (i.e. Bsp,q(Rn)Lp(Rn),s>0). Thus, our result may be viewed as an extension of known results to the Besov spaces Bsp,q(Rn) for general values of s in R.

How to Cite
Maatoug, A.; Allaoui, S. Boundedness of the Hilbert Transform on Besov Spaces. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2020, 12, 443-450.