Forming of value attitude to health of personality as a psychological-pedagogical problem


  • Каrina Fedchenko



health, value, value attitude, student, personality, component, agrarian institutions of higher education, education, motivation, lifestyle


The problem of the formation, strengthening and preservation of value attitudes towards health in a broad sense on the personal and social levels are reflected at the article.
Valuable attitude to health is the individual, selective, conscious connections of the person with reality, reflecting the interdependence of the needs of the individual with objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, contributing to the formation and preservation of health or conversely, threaten him.
Values and value neoplasms are the basic, "primary" qualities of the individual, which determine the motives of behavior and form the person’s character. Attitude towards own health is considered as part of man’s relationship to itself. Scientists distinguish four areas: physical, mental, spiritual and social in the structure of health. The state of health depends on many factors, including the harmony of the physical, mental and social spheres of health, the internal culture of the individual, the adaptive capacity of the organism.
Health is harmony biological, mental and spiritual human being, health problem can not be considered independently of human values as intermediaries achieve a higher level of existence being. Every person in a certain period of his life inevitably becomes an individual value choice: where to go next and what values to choose.
The process of formation of values associated with the transformation of human needs into interests, which, as far as their significance, transformed into values. The social value that acquires a personal value for an individual passes into the category of "personal value" and projects in the future its behavior. The way of forming personal values consists in moving from the concrete to the general. The dynamics of personality development is associated with the formation of her value orientations, which act as regulating factors, determine the motivation of activity. "Valuable attitude" is a complex personality upsurge. In it, in organic unity, intellectual, emotional and motivational processes and volitional processes interact. Traditionally, the following components of the value relation are distinguished: cognitive-intellectual, emotional-motivational, behavioral-activity.



