The usage of didactic games in the study of disciplines of the natural cycle in the process of professional training of future doctors


  • Nataliia Оstapovych
  • Roman Lisovskyi
  • Liliia Turovska



medical and biological physics, didactic game


The article deals with the problem of elaboration of the methods of teaching students in medical and biological physics, mathematics and by means of the gaming teaching technologies, based on the demands of the modern professional medical education.
The importance of this study is caused by combination of teaching theoretical disciplines (medical and biological physics etc) and the process of professional training of the future doctors. The literature survey showed the wide use of gaming technologies in training of the future doctors in course of study clinical disciplines by students, who are already advanced in their profession, but not in study of fundamental natural scientific subjects on the basic level.
The classification of game technologies was elaborated, according to their dominating didactic aim, process strategy, level of implementation; type of a game environment. Didactic potential of game technologies in order to improve the efficiency of the teaching and educational process by means of didactic games has been analyzed. The methods of conducting and evaluation of the laboratory tasks in medical and biological physics with the use of didactic games and implementation of didactic games at the lectures, seminars and practical classes in natural as well as in the extracurricular activities have been investigated.
The intellectual quiz games, associative and brainstorming games are professionally directed and depending of the type of educational activity and type of classes (lecture, seminar, practical or laboratory) they belong to the teaching-training or generally-controlling type. In the extracurricular educational activities useful are the games of the social and psychological type. They are motivational according to the dominating didactic aim and developing educational and communicative professionally-oriented according to the character of the pedagogical process.
The comparative analysis of the experimentally gained data of the effectiveness by the control and experimental group proved the hypothesis of the research about the effectiveness of the elaborated methods of teaching with the use of a didactic game.
The use of didactic games in the teaching of fundamental naturally-scientific disciplines to the future doctors supports the better acquirement of theoretical material, as well as forming of skills and competencies to carry out different types of the future professional activities, develops the ability to the self-education, collective creative work, initiative, independence, responsibility, enables students to get the own experience and to share it with others.



