Education in Austria: historical developmental emphasis


  • Marianna Marusinets



education, educational reforms, development and formation of the Austrian educational environment


On the basis of special archival-analytical materials, the article makes an attempt to reveal the historical aspects of development and provision of education in Austria. The main milestones of its content changes, determined by social, political and ideological transformations occurred at different periods, are described.
Prominent political and public figures, reformers in the field of pedagogy, whose ideas served as the basis for the history of education in Austria, are accentuated particularly. The work of the Habsburgs aimed at educational development and transforming Vienna to the centre of the Austrian empire is unveiled; the reign of Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II was the age of proliferation of the Enlightenment ideas, a perfect example of their studies and propaganda in Europe. A separate page in development of education in Austria is the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapse, education management by the Social-Democrats and their reformist innovations. Not only teachers were the most demanded at that period but also psychologists, psychoanalysts. Their reforming ideas led to the historic school reform, to establishment of nursing homes and orphanages for socially unprotected children and adolescents, children with deviant and asocial behaviour. The educational system received special development in the 20th century, where emphasis was laid on qualitative improving of education; cooperation of humanitarian grammar schools with social institutions; study of language courses by choice; improvement of humanitarian grammar school teachers’ skills and their working conditions. Today, Austria’s educational policy includes the following areas: quality education throughout life; implementation of the competency approach; cooperation with local and religious communities; introduction of bilingual education due to the migration processes; advancement of gender equality among immigrant children; creation of a favourable environment for multicultural development and education for children and young people of various ethnic minorities with different confessional ideological beliefs.



