Pedagogical modeling of future technology-programmers’ readiness to professional self-perfection


  • Irina Varava



model, pedagogical modeling, readiness, formation of readiness, professional self-improvement, technicians-programmers


Proceeding from the peculiarities of the development of the modern information society, the article deals with the problem of scientific and methodological support for the formation of readiness of future technicians-programmers for professional self-improvement throughout life.
The conditions of formation of readiness of IT specialists at the current stage were considered and they drew attention to the urgency of the technician-programmer’s profession at the stage of modernization of society and development of market relations. First of all we are talking about the contradictions between: global and local; general and individual; spiritual and material; traditions and modernities; the closest and most promising occupations; competition and equality of opportunities, unlimited human capabilities to master them. Under these conditions, lifelong learning becomes one of the keys to addressing the challenges of the 21st century. In particular, the theoretical substantiation of pedagogical modeling as a method of scientific knowledge for the reproduction of the characteristics of a model of such a phenomenon is made, such as the readiness of future technicians-programmers to professional self-improvement. With the use of conceptual techniques in the study, a cascading model of the formation of the readiness of future technicians-programmers for professional self-improvement, which has a universal part – axiomatics, has been constructed. Pedagogical modeling in this scientific work is an important method of scientific knowledge, which made it possible to reproduce the characteristics of the model of forming the readiness of future technicians-programmers for professional self-improvement as a multidimensional and multifactorial process. A promising direction for further study is the introduction of this model into the pedagogical practice of professional training of future junior specialists from the specialty with the obligatory analysis of the multidisciplinary results obtained.



