Technologies of the future foreign language teachers’ training in the conditions of the informational and educational environment of institutions of higher education of Ukraine


  • Oxana Rogulska
  • Olga Tarasova



future foreign language teachers’ training, teaching methods, interactive teaching methods, means, forms, technologies, brainstorming, questionnaire


The expediency of using interactive teaching methods, means, forms and technologies of the future foreign language teachers’ training is grounded in the article. The views of leading scholars on the problem of teaching methods classification are presented. A number of interactive methods that are effective in the future foreign language teachers’ training are described. It is emphasized that the teacher-student interaction is characterized by the communication intensity of participants, their direct communication and helps to diversify perception of information and thus improve its assimilation. The use of interactive teaching methods stimulates not only the student but also the teacher to constant creativity, contributes to the development of pedagogical abilities. It is generalized that interactive methods in the future foreign language teachers’ training help to form: the skills of obtaining and assimilating new professional, social knowledge and skills, ability to transfer them to others; personal skills: perseverance and persistence in achieving the goal, initiative, ability to communicate with people, clearly articulate, express their own point of view; teamwork skills (communicative qualities): ability to take into account others' opinion, find compromises, persuade, criticize and accept criticism; leader skills: ability to generate ideas, plan and organize work, motivate, assign responsibilities, control, encourage, etc. In addition, the use of interactive methods allows to realize the idea of cooperation of those who teach and those who study, promotes the improvement of the psychological climate in the classroom, creates a welcoming atmosphere.



