Professional-personality image of modern teacher of higher school


  • Olga Plakhotnik
  • Oleg Plakhotnik



professional and personal image, high school teachers, postgraduate education, the criterion of image, educational-productive practice


The professionally-personality image of teacher of higher school is examined in the article, as dynamic description of personality, that is in the permanent co-operating with society and represents balanced of different personality formations. The important constituent of image of teacher of higher school and postgraduate education system is its possession of high professional competence, which promotes training competitive professionals, and significantly increased intellectual, cultural, spiritual and moral potential as the personality of the teacher and his students.
In the system of results of studies, in combination with the integrated qualities of teacher, an operating place belongs to the methodical competence, and the system of postgraduate education – methodical preparation. On such conditions, there is a need to create an integrated didactic system of methodical preparation of the teacher, which combines traditional educational methods with new, more efficient technologies, innovative forms of teaching methods in accordance with international standards.
Quality organization and realization of educational-productive practice of future specialists have an important value for forming of professionally-personality image of teacher of higher school. In the process of teaching and industrial practice teacher transmits knowledge, and students acquire modern techniques, skills and forms of work organization, reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired during the training, supplement the theoretical knowledge, form professional skills and abilities during practical activity.
Characteristics, that have been gotten by students after graduation and production practices is the main result and estimation of their work, that is given by leading specialists, which is given by leading specialists, creating practice and themselves professionally-personality image. Effective combination of theoretical knowledge with their practical implementation increases the time that is allotted for educational and practical for the formation of methodical competence, which fills the educational process of personal content, provide training and collaboration features creative subjects of the educational process.



