Parity dialogue as a factor of subject-to-subject cooperation between lecturer and student of foreign languages faculty


  • Iryna Bey



parity dialogue, subject-to-subject cooperation, future teachers, foreign languages faculty


The article is dedicated to the problem of pedagogical cooperation in the process of training future foreign languages teachers for the project activity in comprehensive educational institutions.
For this purpose it presents the analysis of subject-to-subject relations within the system of interrelations “lecturer-student”; it is explained the universal principles of making and caring on an equal dialogue. These principles are: respect for the partner; accepting the partner the way he is and, in the meantime, orientation towards his highest achievements (real and potential); self-esteem (it provides the realization of the highest abilities of the participants of dialogic communication); the tolerance principle.
The article points out that dialogic skills which future foreign languages teacher have to acquire are as follows: motivational (ability to stimulate a positive motivation for the wider using of dialogue in the learning process), communicative (ability to make contacts with people and be flexible in communication), organizational (ability to organize a dialogue, manage the discussion, coordinate actions and opinions of the dialogue participants), gnostic (ability to form a dialogue, structure teaching information), creative (ability to generate ideas, in usual things to see the unusual), emotional (ability to have an effect on the dialogue partner), evaluative (ability to come to conclusion, analyze the results of the cooperative conversation).
Based on the generalization of psycho-pedagogical researches on the given problem, there have been made a supposition that forming project competence of future specialists is possible under condition of creation pedagogical subject-to-subject relations in the educational process. Such relations, in the author’s opinion, will be effective if putting the following into practice of higher school: personal orientation of dialog partners that means readiness to see and understand each other, considering the right of everyone to choose; subject-to-subject nature of communication implying the parity of the interlocutors’ psychological positions at which it is necessary to avoid dominance of the lecturer and admit student’s right to his own opinion; non-standart methods of communication which is the result of moving away from exclusively role-based position of the lecturer.
In conclusion, the author states that introducing parity dialogue in the educational process is an important factor of the efficient professional training of future foreign languages specialists.



