Forming of artistic and aesthetic tastes in children of the senior preschool age by means of music art


  • Natalііa Tararak



children of the senior preschool age, formation process, musiсl art


In the article the problems of formation of artistic and aesthetic taste in children of the senior preschool age are considered, the educational potential of musical art is revealed. Means of musical art are divided by genres, form of performance, ways of musical expression, purpose and forms of mastering works of musical art. The theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste in children of the senior preschool age by means of musical art is grounded. The criteria by which the dynamics of the formation of value orientations in children of the senior preschool age is revealed. It was found out when the category “aesthetic taste" arose, which nature of its occurrence, taking into account the natural inclinations and human instincts. Aesthetic taste as an integrated indicator of aesthetic culture of personality’s spirituality. It is considered why children of preschool age have an increased cognitive activity of emotional sensitivity. It is revealed that for the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste in children of the senior preschool age, the purposeful use of the means of musical art is necessary. Proved children began to better imagine the role of musician, composer, listener in the reproduction and compilation of new music. There have been positive changes in the results of the diagnosis of dynamic hearing, tone hearing, hearing loss, rhythm, musical memory. Children have become more committed to classical music thanks to integrated activities and entertainment. Forecasting the strategy of forming the artistic and aesthetic taste of pupils and providing in the family and preschool institutions the relevant socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions. A structural and functional scheme for the formation of artistic and aesthetic flavors was developed, the basis of which is the allocation of pedagogical conditions for improving the effectiveness of the formation of this phenomenon.



