English pedagogical discourse: classification of methodical terms


  • Nataliia Kishchenko
  • Yulia Tsymbal




term, thermie nologichesky lexicon, terminosistema, linguo-didactic principles, classification of linguo-didactic terms


In article the approaches to classification of methodical terms existing in linguistics are systematized and characterized, in particular it is found out structural characteristics of this multidimensional phenomenon, the central concept of the studied discourse; the basic principles are established and also the main universal and specific properties of an English-speaking pedagogical discourse are revealed.
Various principles and approaches to classification of linguo-didactic terms are analysed. An attempt to create own classification is made, having been the semantic principle, the principle of historicism, a source study, systemacity, word formation its basis. Considering the listed principles, the following criteria of classification of linguo-didactic terminology were defined: on emergence sources; for on passing; in structure; on innovation degree in lingvodidaktits; behind structuring a training material.
The analysis of the last researches and publications in the direction of researches of linguo-didactic terminology in an English-speaking pedagogical discourse is carried out. Actually methodical terms, divided into five subgroups: names of methods, receptions, names of exercises and tasks at lessons of a foreign language. The majority of innovative linguo-didactic terms is phrases that is caused by complexity of methodical concepts, as it is possible to transfer by aspiration of experts on lingvodidaktik more precisely their essence, to concretize, show classification difference.
Sources of emergence of the linguo-didactic term and its communication with concepts of interdisciplinary sciences, origin and the building, novelty degree in science, maintenance and structuring a school course of English are the basis for classification. We see further researches in special lexicographic studying of terms of each of the allocated groups, in particular their functional, lexico-semantic, word-formation features.



