The forming of value-based orientations of future primary school teachers by means of art


  • Olga Lukyanchenko



value-based orientations, kinds of art, education potential of art, preparation of Primary School teachers


Introduction. The article emphasizes the necessity of making changes to the process of preparation of Primary School teachers. It also mentions the relevance of the use of art in the system of higher teacher training education.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal the specifics of the future teachers’ training for the implementation of art in the process of preparation of Primary School teachers for the formation of value-based orientations .
Methods include theoretical analysis and generalization of published sources, analysis of advanced pedagogical experience and pedagogical observation.
Originality The article reveals the approaches to the definition of educational potential of art along with the conditions facilitating the development of teachers` professional qualities necessary for achieving this potential in pedagogical activity. Attention is accented on the observance of principles of humanism, professional self-perfection, features of pedagogical creation and trade. The author characterized the axiological categories on which the modern principles of the educational process in the New Ukrainian School are based, such as: universal moral and aesthetic categories (Beauty, Good, Truth); professional and pedagogical: (Human (personality), Team, Unity).
Conclusions. The research determines the specificity of the preparation of future teachers for the implementation kinds of art, which is manifested in the conscious comprehension of musical activity; harmonization of intellectual and artistic and creative activity; accelerated pace of covering musical material; development of creative initiative and independence of a teacher.



