Usage of informational and communicational technologies in providing quality of future teachers-speech therapists’ professional training


  • Liudmyla Matsuk



professional training, informational and communicational technologies, speech therapy help, teachers-speech therapists


The importance of informational and communicational technologies in ensuring the quality of professional training of future teachers-speech therapists is discussed in the article. Considering ICT as an important factor in optimizing the professional training of future speech therapists in modern higher educational institutions, it is emphasized that their application in the educational process of higher educational institutions has a polyfunctional purpose and is used as a means of training and modeling of various phenomena, processes, studying their characteristics; the tool of knowledge of the surrounding reality and self-knowledge; informational and methodological support and management of educational process and educational institutions; automation of control processes, correction of results of educational activity, computer pedagogical testing and psychodiagnostics.
The author argues that professional activity in the field of education requires from teachers-speech therapists to think actively, to model the educational process, to produce and implement new ideas and educational technologies, creatively to develop continuously using informational and communicational technologies, to form theoretical and methodological foundations of qualitative training of future specialists, able to work on the basis of competent and innovative approaches using informational and communicational technologies, and thus become a competitive in the modern educational services market is one of the key areas of state policy.
It is emphasized that during the professional training of future teachers-speech therapists through ICT it is important to form the readiness of future specialists for the usage at various stages of correctional and educational work of special computer programs. Also, an important direction of professional training is to familiarize students with the rules of using the computer during correctional exercises, as well as the need for their application in a harmonious combination with the traditional technologies of speech therapy for children who are experiencing difficulties in mastering oral speech.
An important task of using ICT in the educational activities of students-future speech therapists is the need to understand the benefits of their usage in their future vocational and pedagogical activities, as the significant benefits of using ICT in work with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech is the informational capacity, compactness, accessibility, visibility, emotional attractiveness, mobility.



