Vol. 9 (2022): Halych: Scientific Work Collection. Series 2: Bohdan TOMENCHUK. Archaeology of Ancient Halych

					View Vol. 9 (2022): Halych: Scientific Work Collection. Series 2: Bohdan TOMENCHUK. Archaeology of Ancient Halych

The book by the fmousa Ukrainian archaeologist Bohdan Tomenchuk is devoted to the results of his decades-long research of pre-historical, annalistic and late medieval Halych. The author considers the ancient princely and royal residence not only as a secular seat of rule of the separate branches of the Rurik dynasty - the Rostislavovids and Romanids, as well as the Hungarian Arpads, but most importantly - an important religious center, known since pre-Christian times. The power and authority of the Halych bishops and metropolitans left a significant mark on the development of the city and the region until its incorporation into the Habsburg Empire in 1772. Archaeological studies by B. Tomenchuk, using the example of excavations of hillforts, church cemeteries, and fortification systems, brilliantly demonstrates all the greatness of Halych, especially the so-called "golden age" of the middle of the 12th to the middle of the 13th centuries.

Published: 2024-10-13