Vol. 8 (2022): Halych: Scientific Work Collection. Series 2: Yaroslav PASTERNAK. Ancient Halych. Archaeological-historical investigations of 1850-1943
The monograph "Old Halych" by Yaroslav Pasternak was published in 1944 and immediately became a bibliographic rarity. Being, without a doubt, the best work on the archeology of princely Halych, it remains relevant to this day. We have an invaluable sample of a scientific source with a grandiose archaeological material that retains unparalleled theoretical and practical value. This book should be on the desk of every Krylos, Halych house, as well as distributed in all respectable libraries of Ukraine and beyond as one of the fundamental works about ancient Halych. For historians, art critics, teachers, students and everyone who is interested in history and culture Galicia