Ключові слова:
навчальна діяльність, студент, мотивація, мотиви, структурнопроцесуальна модель, когнітивні характеристикиАнотація
The study of the reasons that make a person develop and improve himself is extremely important from the point of understanding the motivational process. This is the starting point from which the analysis of motivation begins. The educational process consists of complex types of activities, so there are many motives for learning. They can not be demonstated separately by each person, but also merge into a single one, forming complex motivational systems. In Ukraine students' interest in learning fades year by year. Entering universities, they have no idea why they are going there. Many of the students study only to obtain a diploma of higher education, while not getting the proper knowledge. In this matter, students can help self-motivation, as well as stimulation from teachers.