The Influence of Technological and Tribological Factors on the Aftereffect and Wear Resistance of Polymer Composites


  • H.O. Sirenko Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • A.V. Lutsas Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • M.B. Skladanyuk Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • L.M. Soltys Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University



carbon fibers, polymer composites, anti-wear properties, friction, wear, aftereffect


The anti-wear properties of polymer composites based on polytetrafluoroethylene with not metallized and metallized carbon fibers in conditions of friction and wear in over limit and limit of specific loads have been researched. The definitions of loading and time indicators the aftereffect which give the quantitative assessment of influence processes and mechanism of friction and wear have been introduced first. It is established that in anti-wear tests of composites samples as in stepped over limit specific load (Ni=var) as in constant limit and specific load (Ni=const) with high probability appears time aftereffect.


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How to Cite

Sirenko, H., Lutsas, A., Skladanyuk, M., & Soltys, L. (2015). The Influence of Technological and Tribological Factors on the Aftereffect and Wear Resistance of Polymer Composites. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 16(2), 360–372.



Scientific articles