Effect of Transition Metals Oxide Additives on the Properties of Mixed-Alkali Glass for Electric Insulating Coatings on Aluminum


  • V. Goleus Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • A. Salei Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology




enamels on aluminum, water resistance,, electrical insulating coatings, contact layer, flowability, dhesion strength


In order to reduce the cost of the thick-film technology of microcircuits and heating elements, as well as to expand its areas of use, it became necessary to expand the range of materials that, along with ceramics and steel, can also be used as substrates for these products. One of these advanced materials is aluminum. Electrically insulated coatings on metals are subjected to repeated heating and cooling while their produce and use, which promotes the creation of temperature stresses in the coating and leads to their chipping. Therefore, in order to improve the water resistance and adhesion strength of electrical insulation coatings on aluminum, CuO, ZrO2 and Bi2O3 additives were examined. There was found an increase in water resistance with a simultaneous increase in the adhesion strength of the enamel coating with an aluminum substrate with the addition of not more than 3 pts. wt. of copper oxide (II), up to 1 pts. wt. of zirconium oxide (IV), and up to 4 pts. wt. of bismuth oxide (III) w.r.t. 100 pts. wt. of glass.


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How to Cite

Goleus, V., & Salei, A. (2019). Effect of Transition Metals Oxide Additives on the Properties of Mixed-Alkali Glass for Electric Insulating Coatings on Aluminum. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 20(3), 300–305. https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.20.3.300-305



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