Sulfidation of Zinc oxide by interaction with Antimony sulfide
Zinc oxide, Antimony sulfide, acid-base interaction, sulfidationAbstract
The mechanism of interaction between ZnO and Sb2S3 in the temperature range of 500-700°С was studied. The methods of differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and IR transmission spectroscopy, as well as thermodynamic calculations established the exchangeable acid-base reaction mechanism with the removal of the most volatile of the products – Sb2O3. The final and only product of interaction in the system is ZnS of cubic modification (sphalerite) without phase impurities. Condensate mainly contains Antimony oxides of various compositions. In the same way, it is possible to remove oxygen-containing impurities (mainly ZnO) from zinc sulfide obtained by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis.
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Copyright (c) 2024 V.F. Zinchenko, I.R. Magunov, G.V. Volchak, O.S. Mazur, O.H. Ieriomin, S.V. Kuleshov, P.G. Doha, A.V. Babenko

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