Features of modern politicization of Kashubians


  • Mykhailo Mosora


Key words: autonomy, identity, kashubians (kashubs), kashubistika, Pomerania, Republic of Poland.


The article deals with features of modern politicization of kashubs. The main community identification markers (language, origin, etc.) are revealed. The article recognizes various approaches to the features of Kashubian identification and politicization. The author pays attention to the dual identity of the kashubs
community (Polish-Kashubian). The author is skeptical about the definition of Kashubian identity as a "hybrid". The author argues about the importance of modern favorable economic factors to enhance the identification and politicization of a regional ethnic group. There has been identified an objective precondition for intensifying the politicization of Kashubs in the near future. In the article the positive image of understanding in the relations " Kashubians – the state" is substantiated. It is marked that the ideas of autonomy remain politically attractive in the region, since they recognize the urge of dual identity.

