Power in the social doctrine of Catholicism


  • Andrіy Mishchuk
  • Mariana Mishchuk


Keywords: political life, Church, ethic principles of politics, christian ethic tradition, power, social doctrine.


The article investigates the essence of the power in the social doctrine of Catholicism. The essence of the political power, those main features and signs that make up its basis are revealed. The social doctrine of Catholicism is based on the principles and principles of the functioning of early Christian communities, as well as on the studies of Aurelius Augustine and, especially, of Thomas Aquinas. The task of the power is to preserve social harmony and social peace, which is achieved by providing individuals with the necessary conditions for the existence and achievement of "universal good". The modern interpretation of the social doctrine of the church originates from the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII "Rerum Novarum”. A political community, a phenomenon inherent in mankind, exists to achieve the goal that is only available to it - to ensure the coherent development of each of its members, called to cooperate at all times for the common good, realizing its natural inclination to truth and good. The most complete meaning of the political life of Christians is revealed by the Gospel commandment of love, as well as the observance of the moral and ethical principles of Christianity. As for the relationship between church and state, political power the II Vatican Council recognized the autonomy of each component, since the church was organized to meet the spiritual needs of believers, while different political communities build relationships and establish institutions for the sake of serving everything.

The views of the Pontiffs on ethical norms and moral principles of functioning of state formations, ways of occurrence and principles of functioning of political power, which are based on the doctrine of Christianity, are determined through an analysis of such encyclicals:Rerum Novarum , “Quadragesimo Anno”,” “Pacem in terris”, “Mater et Magistra”, “Sollicitudo rei socialis”, “ Centesimus Annus ”, “Caritas in Veritate”, Lumen Fidei”, “Laudato si .

It is stated that the main function of the state power is to ensure the well-being of citizens who are the main subject of power.



