Gender Tolerance as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon


  • Olha Demchyna аспірантка кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.



gender, tolerance, intolerance, gender tolerance, sexism


A representative of modern society should have a high level of general culture, a number of moral qualities, be able to find a common language with other people, which is extremely important for the process of integration and assimilation of cultures. That is why nowaday the formation of tolerance is one of the priority tasks of psychology. The new millennium sharply puts the world community in the formation of the problem of tolerance in various spheres of human interaction, including gender relations. The concept of «toleranсe» has a complex structure precisely because tolerance acts as the psychological and spiritual and moral quality of the individual and has a specific implementation of activities in various spheres of social and personal life.

Social reproduction of gender consciousness at the level of the individual supports the socio-role status of the individual, which defines social opportunities in professional and personal self-realization. Therefore, gender is one of the basic measurements of the social structure of society, which with both socio-demographic and cultural characteristics (race, class, age, etc.), organizes a social system. Gender is considered as a holistic psychic representation of sex, full of unique dynamic, deep, cognitive and behavioral concepts of women and men, acquired by the individual as a result of gaining an individual gender experience.

The article analyzes the main theoretical and methodological approaches of scientists to understanding the phenomenon of tolerance and its components. The concept of «gender» in the social-constructivist interpretation is highlighted, on the basis of which the concept of «gender tolerance» is formed and analyzed. The content of the concept of «gender tolerance» as a personal formation is specified and the characteristics that make up it are highlighted. The theoretical analysis of the researches of gender tolerance in the socio-psychological context is conducted, the probable models of gender tolerance are defined and the principles of tolerance in interpersonal relations are formulated. Gender tolerance is seen as a personal position in which the settings, values, motives of the person are revealed, and on their basis a conscious, meaningful and responsible choice is made.

