Main Directions of Work of Psychologists With Gender Problems in Organization


  • Nadiiа Kuravska кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.



organizational psychologist, gender issues in the organization, gender education and prevention, gender counseling and correction, gender studies, personnel of organizations


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the work of an organizational psychologist with gender issues such as gender discrimination, sexism, gender and sexual harassment, and gender-based violence in the workplace.The analysis of directions of work of the organizational psychologist is given, namely:a) educational (providing information about gender discrimination, sexism, harassment and violence at work, psychological and legal assistance to their victims);b) research (conducting psychological researches with the aim of studying the reasons for the existence of gender problems in the workplace, peculiarities of their manifestation and consequences, and also developing the best technologies for overcoming these problems); c) advisory (key aspects of providing counseling services to victims of gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace);d) correctional (work aimed at gender re-socialization, overcoming negative consequences of gender discrimination at work, developing self-confidence, assertive communication skills);е) preventive (work aimed at detecting and eliminating victim characteristics of employees, their mastery of the procedure for opposing destructive influences). The general recommendations for solving gender issues in the interaction of the personnel of the organization are given. In particular, there are ways to counteract sexism; describes the algorithm of countering sexual harassment; tips are provided to overcome psychological violence in the workplace. The possibilities of legal assistance to victims of gender problems, which are enshrined in the Ukrainian legislation, are briefly described.The article focuses on the necessity of development of personality traits in personnel of the organization, their communicative competence and gender tolerance.The prospects for further research of the problem, which is considered in the article, are determined.

