Method оf Grounded Theory in Study Of the Practice Of Marriadge And Family Partnership And Paternity


  • Olena Yatsyna кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет», м. Ужгород.



autonarativ, gender, self-referencing of identities, value, function, motivation


The article reveals the features of the study of the practices of marriage and family partnership and paternity using the method of a reasonable theory.

The article reveals the features of the study of postmodern transformations of the practices of marriage and family partnership and paternity. The empirical material for the analysis of the studied issues is represented by the texts of auto-narratives, obtained by interviewing and an array of text data from Internet sources. The formed sampling of materials provides the maximum information for identifying categories and subcategories that form part of the theoretical concept of research on the construction of practices and the identities formed in them. Thematically grouped versions of codes and categories reveal the informants’ vision of themselves in the reconstructed experience of the relationship: matrimonial / partner / parental. The peculiarity of the research is the unity of the textual and contextual components of the narrative and discursive approaches. Such a technique allows one to see the ratios of the individual experience of constructing practices and the identities formed in them and their contextual conditioning of discourses.

Analysis of textual story fragments includes: 1) identification of code variants, categories, relationships, strategies, etc., and combining them into paradigm models, 2) analysis of texts and their linguistic features, which allows determining the degree of transitivity. The text analysis procedure is carried out according to the following scheme: 1) the name of the practice, 2) the motive / meaning of the design, 3) the relationship, 4) the values, 5) the functionality, 6) the role and identity.

The analysis of textual segments of autonarativs reveals the subjective components of the processes of constructing practices and self-reference identities. It was found that the relationship between conditions and actions determines strategies and shows the limits of identification. It makes possible to conclude that the process of self-referencing is coordinated by the content of one’s own experiences and cannot be determined from the stereotypical behavioral framework of the functioning of roles. It is revealed that self-referencing of identities does not have a rigid binding sex – gender. The conditions that contain the data of certain substantive codes that con­ceptualize self-reference identities are highlighted. A variety of strategies in practice is considered as a sign of the current and flexible self-referential process of identity. It is proved that the pro­cesses of constructing practices and self-reference of identities are carried out according to different paradigm features. The revealed connections between the categories «motivation» and «self-reference», «value» and «self-reference», «function» and «self-reference» indicate interde­pen­dence of the processes of constructing practices and self-reference of identities. According to the results of the research, the transformation of practices is explained by the peculiarities of the phenomenon of self-referential identity, in particular, the models: «mimic», «stylized», «inclusive», «transparent».

It is concluded that the marking of practices with models of multiple identities emphasizes the individuality of their meanings and characterizes identities as unyielding and unpredictable discur­sive formations.

