Gender stereotypes as a driver of domestic violence


  • Halyna Fedoryshyn кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.



stereotypes, gender stereotypes, violence, gender equality, gender discrimi­na­tion, patriarchal attitudes and beliefs


Society pressures men and women into playing certain roles, prescribed by the community and passed down from generation to generation. Gender stereotypes are the most persistent among all social stereotypes. They are a set of conventional generally accepted rules and attitudes in respect to male and female status, codes of conduct, motives behind their actions and need patterns. They consolidate prevailing gender differences and relations. Destructive impact of gender stereotypes can be observed at the family level in various forms of violence against men or women, especially in rural regions. It is mostly women who fall victims to spousal abuse. The range of violations of women's rights is fairly broad, including female trafficking, rape, marital violence, child sexual abuse, cultural practices and traditions directed against female reproductive and sexual health.

Studies of both domestic and foreign researchers give grounds for arguing that it is patriarchal attitudes and beliefs concerning the functional and role structure of the family imposed on Ukrainians over the past centuries that account for gender-based violence in the family. However, not all men with such attitudes commit violence in intergender relations. Economic factor seems rather significant in this regard, that is unemployment, wages (victims usually earn less), family budget allocation and some other victimologic character traits (dependent, psychasthenic personality traits, learned helplessness syndrome, etc.), as well as lower education, unhealthy and immoral lifestyle. Biological causes of such violence can be handicaps, health problems or disability.

This paper analyses the nature of gender stereotypes, their components and varieties. We explore particular impact of gender stereotypes on acts of domestic violence against men and women and suggest ways to challenge gender stereotypes.



