Social and psychological causes of gender inequality in present-day female career development


  • Oksana Chuyko кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.



gender inequality, gender segregation, gender stereotypes, gender-based ha­rassment and violence., career development


The article actualize the issue of gender equality as a precondition for successful female career pursuit. We study issues of gender equality in the light of gender inequality manifestation and its influence on female career opportunities. We have analyzed primary indicators of gender inequality with regard to employment, such as gender segregation, glass ceiling effect, gap in wages, dual employment of women (family and work), gender stereotypes, gender-based harass­ment and violence.

We have outlined primary ways to reduce gender inequality with regard to employment, namely:

  • challenging gender stereotypes (public awareness campaign aimed at iden­tifying and studying gender stereotypes of a certain community; analyzing one’s own gender stereotypes, examining their sources, etc.);
  • developing wider concepts and beliefs with regard to gender-sensitive issues in the workplace;
  • understanding signs and limits of gender-based harassment and violence, their prevention and avoidance;
  • developing effective coping strategies for pressure;
  • balancing work, family and private life by women;
  • developing psychological characteristics and personality features essential for one’s occupation, which can contribute to professional development of a person, acknowledgment of their expertise irrespective of gender identity;
  • developing harmonious personality (personal growth trainings), self-education and lifelong learning;
  • practical trainings for successful career, coaching;
  • public legal education (awareness of laws on gender-sensitive issues in the labor market);
  • implementing and abiding by gender equality policies in various sectors, fostering organizational culture based on gender equality.



