Socio-psychological components of the personality anticipation and prediction of her behaviour


  • Vadym Zavatskyi кандидат психологічних наук, докторант кафедри психології та соціології Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля



personality, anticipation, behaviour, coping behaviour, behaviour prediction


The article reveals the socio-psychological components of the life expectancy of the individual and the features of predicting her behaviour. It is shown that anticipation is of general importance for the regulation of any kind of human activity and a number of patterns that are invariant with respect to the specific content of personality activity, its coping behaviour. It has been established that, when included in a specific type of human activity, anticipation, along with general psychological regularities, also acquires many specific features. Moreover, because of the diversity and significant dissimilarity of individual types of human activity, the specific gravity of these specific regularities in the functioning of anticipation can be so diverse that they are singled out as a subject for special research, in particular in the direction of special psychological theories of anticipation (communicative, business and etc). It was found out that the main resource of the person’s life anticipation and coping behaviour is the ability to predict events, the ability to reflect their emotional states, the ability to take initiative, quickly respond to the problems that arise. These qualities allow you to regulate behaviour and attitude to life problems, effectively overcome difficulties or reduce their significance. It is thanks to their own intelligence, cognitive abilities, that they develop the ability to combine their prognostic and behavioural strategies for the sake of successful life activity.



