Gender stereotypes as a source of gender discrimination and sexism


  • Nadiia Kuravska кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.



discrimination, gender discrimination, sexism, gender stereotypes, gender pre­vailing, gender violence


The article deals with the problem of the interconnection of gender stereotypes and gender discrimination. It aims to reveal the concepts of "gender stereotypes" "gender discrimination", "sexism"; to analyze their interconnection. The author relies on the theoretical development of the problem of gender in national psychology; conducts the analysis of gender stereotypes in the Ukrainian folk saying and proverbs; makes examples of displays of discrimination and sexism, that they were generated by gender stereotypes.

The author shows the dynamics of concept "discrimination" (from his origin to modern interpretation); marks about positive discrimination; enumerates the widespread cases of gender discrimination of the Ukrainian women and men.

In the article analysed a concept "sexism" as form of display of gender discrimination; reasons of origin of this phenomenon open up.

Gender stereotypes are envisaged in the well-known saying and proverbs. The author conducts their analysis from the point of view of  the most widespread types of gender stereotypes (stereotypes of masculinity-femininity, stereotypes about  labour of men and women, stereotypes about domestic and professional roles, stereotypes of attractiveness). The author draws conclusion that gender stereotypes represent position of prevailing of men and position of dependence of women. The ontological secondaryness of women is formed yet from little up through influences of main institutes of socialization. It creates favourable soil for gender discrimination and sexism.

It is educed that some Ukrainian proverbs and saying encourage gender violence.

Gender stereotypes have two characteristics (rigidity and resistance). This is the biggest difficulty in overcoming them.

Gender stereotypes are the important regulator of social behavior, so the information that discriminates people on the sign of sex that is why represented in them creates a number of prejudices about their personality traits and behavioral patterns.

The author concludes that gender stereotypes are an important, but at the same time contradictory mechanism of perception of the world and constructing life. Their influence on mass and individual consciousness is a major obstacle to the establishment of gender equality in society.



