The Experience of Time as a Factor in the Formation of Students` Life Perspectives in the Condition of Social Instability


  • Oksana Chuyko кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної пси-хології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефа-ника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


переживання часу, життєві перспективи, життєві цілі, суспільна нестабільність


In the article the features of students’ experiencing of time are considered. The levels of life perspectives of graduate students are investigated. It is analyzed the correlation of time experience types and levels of life perspectives and the attitude of respondents to the situation of social instability.

It was found out that the high level of life perspective formation relates to the interviewees with dominant future time perspective. In this group it is observed the presence of negative emotions on the present social instability, but the positive attitudes towards the future, a clear plan are dominated. The average level of life perspectives formation is correlated with dominant time perspective of positive past, with the dominant time perspective of hedonistic present. This group is characterized by sadness, anxiety in relation to the situation of instability in the society, but it is dominated the optimistic attitude towards the future. The low level of life perspectives formation is inherent to the interviewees with time perspective of negative past. In this group it is dominated negative or indifferent attitude to the instability of society, uncertainty about the future.

Consequently, it was found that the high level of life perspective formation is related to the interviewees with dominant future time perspective, the average level – to the interviewees with dominant time perspective of positive past and dominant time perspective of hedonistic present and the low level – with time perspective of negative past.




