Mechanisms Spiritual Development as a Means of Performance of Psychologist


  • Olena Semak кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри загальної та клінічної психології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


духовний розвиток, продуктивність діяльності, рефлексія, мотивація, саморозвиток


In this article, we consider the matter of the spiritual development of personality as an impact factor on efficiency of the professional activity. We have presented the typology of mechanisms of the spiritual development related to the formation of professional efficiency. Professional efficiency is considered through the prism of the professional formation which is determined by the spiritual development of personality. Spiritual development in our interpretation is dynamic change of values, worldviews and existence orientations in general.

Impartiality of evaluation of the results of psychologist work is quite conditional, therefore, in determination of work efficiency degree of the professional psychologist we are guided by certain identification of efficiency with professionalism, development of professionally important features and qualities, and also inner striving of personality for excellence in own professional performance.

Profession of psychologist calls for the specialist to act as a “guide” of higher values, advisor in organization of own life and spiritual onset of a client. In the process of psychological work, one or another side of human vital activity continuously actualize and normally are closely related to the spiritual aspects of existence. Therefore, the formed system of spiritual values and guidelines serves, in our opinion, as the main index of the professional competence of psychologist that in turn points to advancement of the efficiency level of their activity.

The important mechanism of the spiritual development of personality as impact factor in advancement of the professional efficiency level is emotional sphere, in particular, emotional culture of a human being.

In this article, we have made an attempt to draft the correlation between spiritual and professional development of psychologist, and also presented the key mechanisms that directly influence the efficiency of psychologist’s work, and also serve as impact factors in the spiritual development of an individual.



