Peculiarities of Discourse of Political Propaganda in Terms of Informative Psychological War


  • Nadiia Vitiuk кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ



propaganda, political propaganda, informative psychological war, discourse, influence


The article reveals psychological features of constructing and interpreting propaganda messages in terms of informative psychological war. Political propaganda is being considered to be specific communicative process, a complex of measures to influence psychologically mass political consciousness in order to change opinions, personal arranging, value orientations, motivations, feelings and treatment, characteristics of audience’s political activity. The author of the article points out that in terms of informative psychological war propaganda becomes not only a means of forming social opinion but also a means of enemy’s destruction psychologically, their disorganization and discredit, and also a means to keep own safety, to mobilize the supporters and to spread the influence internationally. In such conditions the following are often used as aducation propaganda, opposition propaganda, resilience and heroism propaganda, destruction propaganda, intimidation propaganda and other kinds of propaganda. In terms of informative psychological war the following features of propaganda discourse have been indicated as interpretative nature of messages, their emotional overload, information of binary categories, basis on arranging, stereotypes, values and needs of the target audience, encounting social context, appealing to authority etc. There have been set social psychological conditions where the propaganda will have the most effective influence. The author notes that the political propaganda’s results can be influenced not only by effectiveness of its technologies but also by the features of mass consciousness. To be so highly malleable to propaganda messages by the audience is resulted by a high emotional perception, blocking an alternative point of view, ideas’ categorization and forming a dual «world vision», also by strong infusion, stereotypical and imaginary thinking, relative deprivation and active enemy searching. Being unsatisfied with political processes directs these enemies. The author justifies the actuality of developing people’s media literacy and political consciousness.



