Displays of Psychological Problems of Gender Character in Organizations


  • Nadiia Kuravska кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ




gender discrimination, sexism, gender harassment, sexual harassment, violence, organization


The article is devoted to the analysis of gender problem in organizations. It is prepared on the basis of the use of theoretical methods of research, namely: methods of logical and psychological analysis and generalization, design, systematization, as well as the method of studying normative documents. The main psychological problems that arise in organizations and have the gender conditioned character are described. In particular it is gender discrimination, sexism, gender and sexual harassment, and violence. Gender discrimination is described in terms of horizontal and vertical segregation. Sexism is defined as a verbal and non-verbal form of gender discrimination; types of sexism are described: old-fashioned and modern, hostile and friendly, ambivalent. Gender harassment is characterized as behavior that relies on established gender-role norms. The terms gender and sexual harassment are different. Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual behavior. Gender violence is described through forms such as physical, psychological, sexual, and economic violence. It is noted that it becomes possible due to the combination of social conditions and psychological characteristics of the offender and his victim. Mobbing and bulling as types of psychological violence in organizations are also described. The article substantiates the conclusion that psychological problems of gender character in organizations are caused by gender bias. They are, in turn, a type of social setting, largely unconscious. Forms of gender bias are also described. The article concludes with a description of the negative consequences of gender-based psychological problems in organizations. These include consequences of an individual nature, such as deterioration of the employee’s physical and psychological health. As well as group character (decrease in productivity in the organization, loss of its reputation, etc.) and nationwide character (devaluation of the rule of law and democratic principles of society, etc.).



