Military Discipline as a Component of Psychological Readiness of the Person to the Army Service


  • Oksana Parkulab кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної психології та психології розвитку ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ
  • Tetiana Kotilok магістрантка спеціальності «Психологія» філософського факультету ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ



behavior of military personnel, discipline, military discipline, prevention of offenses, combat service, military psychology, psychological readiness


The article deals with the problem of psychological readiness of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to military service. Emphasis is placed on adherence to military discipline and the development of the conscious discipline of soldiers. The content of the concepts of «discipline» and «discipline» is analyzed and the ways of achieving military discipline are outlined. It has been found that high level of discipline and traits such as discipline are important indicators of the quality of military professionalism that affect the success of military missions. It is emphasized that women are still subject to gender stereotyping, despite their active integration into the military subculture. Existing gender-based stereotypical perceptions of female servicemen contrast sharply with the qualities necessary for successful military service in the military subculture. It is shown that the qualitative characteristic of psychological readiness for professional activity contains a personal component, which includes the individual qualities that make up the content of qualification characteristics of employees of paramilitary structures. Among the broad range of these qualities, discipline is seen as a leading feature of the military personality and the foundation of the military environment. Questionnaires were analyzed to investigate the psychological preparedness of soldiers. It is revealed that one of the important criteria is the level of disciplinary violations in the unit. The main content of which is that discipline is about respect and disrespect for disciplinary rules and is an indicator of general relationships in the unit. It has been found that a disciplined person has an impeccable responsibility in the performance of his or her duties, able to manage his or her behavior and actions, to comply with oath and military statutes, as well as orders and orders of commanders and commanders in any situation. It is justified to continue scientific research in the field of methodology for organizing the process of purposeful formation of professionally important qualities and disciplinary motivation for servicemen, which ensures the fulfillment of difficult tasks in times of peace and war.



